Weekend services and a hearty Mazal Tov

Congregants and Friends,

We look forward to seeing you for our regular Friday night services tonight, November 8th, at 7pm.
On Saturday November 9 at 9 am we will have our Shabbat morning services in which we will also celebrate the Bat Mitzvah of Noy Lohr.  We would like to wish her parents Gil and Michelle and her sister Eden a hearty Mazal Tov and thank the Lohr family for sponsoring the kidish in honor of their daughter.
Other exciting events at Beth El include the following:
Davening for Dummies
Interested in sharpening your synagogue skills and learning more about the service?  Gabbai Bam Rubenstein will be teaching an ongoing Davening for Dummies class on second Wednesdays of the month at 7:00 pm at Congregation Beth El. Wednesday, November 13 at 7:00 pm This class will cover the reasons and meaning for saying Kaddish, including sitting Shiva and the mourning period.  The class will also briefly provide an overview of Jewish burial practices.  Great for all levels.
Crypto Judaism Lecture November 16 at 6:30 pm Rabbi Tarlow will continue his fascinating series of lectures on Crypto Judaism.  We will have havdallah led by Cantor Ben-Moshe.
HOLD THE DATE:  Channukah is early this year.  Hold the date for our annual Channukah party on Sunday NOVEMBER 24 at 5pm.  Huge thank you to the sisterhood and Elaine and Hal Jacobs for sponsoring this annual Beth El tradition. 

Cantor Ben-Moshe’s Message:
This week we read in Parshat Vayetze the famous story of Sulam Ya’akov, Jacob’s Ladder.  This takes place in a field outside the town of Luz, later renamed Beit (Beth) El, “The House of God”.  Ya’akov of course has no idea that he is in a sacred place when he stops for the night-in fact, he says “Indeed God is in this place and I didn’t know it!”.  We know, actually that God is in every place-if we can perceive the Divine Presence.  Perhaps we don’t have prophetic dreams, but we can be alert to the subtle signs that we are indeed in the House of God at all times, whether we are at Beth El or in any other place.  Shabbat Shalom.
 Community News:
Haddasah’s monthly Brunch Bunch meeting will be on Friday, November 15 at 10:00 a.m. held at 3418 N. Lamar in the private room of Cafe Express. We will feature our local expert in cold caps therapy. Patsy Morgenstern Graham, a cancer survivor, started the non-profit, Cold Caps Assistance Projects, to assist chemotherapy patients with cold caps to minimize hair loss due to chemotherapy.  RSVP to Rochelle Kraus at (512)294-0006 or rochelle_kraus@yahoo.com.

Attend the Friends of Jewish Family Service 2013 Benefit on November 19 and enjoy Merlin Works Improv Comedy!  Help honor JFS Friend of the Year Barbara Barron as you support critical mental health and social services in Austin and Central Texas. Register at www.shalomaustin.org/jfs.