Don’t miss fabulous classes tonight and Saturday night

Congregants and Friends,
Don’t miss the  wonderful classes on offer at Beth El this week, starting with the highly entertaining and informative Davening for Dummies tonight at 7pm. Our next services are this Friday evening at 7pm.  Saturday evening, the highly popular Crypto Judaism class is back with Rabbi Tarlow.
Davening for Dummies: TONIGHT!
Interested in sharpening your synagogue skills and learning more about the service?  Gabbai Bam Rubenstein will be teaching an ongoing Davening for Dummies class on the second Wednesdays of the month at 7:00 pm at Congregation Beth El.
Wednesday, November 13 at 7:00 pm (Tonight).  This class will cover the reasons and meaning for saying Kaddish, including sitting Shiva and the mourning period.  The class will also briefly provide an overview of Jewish burial practices. Great for all levels.
Crypto Judaism Lecture – November 16 at 6:30 pm Rabbi Tarlow will continue his fascinating series of lectures on Crypto Judaism.  We will have havdallah led by Cantor Ben-Moshe.
HOLD THE DATE:  Channukah is early this year.  Hold the date for our annual Channukah party on Sunday DECEMBER 1 at 5pm.  Huge thank you to the sisterhood and Elaine and Hal Jacobs for sponsoring this annual Beth El tradition.  More details to follow.