Services, Challah Deliveries and Happy Father’s Day
Shabbat Shalom and Happy Father’s Day! Thank you to our special Mitzvah makers this week! Jakob, Cecy Gomez, Sabrina, Bob Miller and Miriam! PLEASE let us know if you would like some yummy fresh challah delivered to your home next week. Please let us know if you’d like to help drive.Shabbat Shalom and we so look forward to seeing you all tonight at 7 PM via zoom and in person in the synagogue. Please let us know if you would like to attend in person services? All health and safety measures will be in place.
Our deepest condolences to Esther and David on the loss of Esther’s beloved brother Sol Bleiweis this week. Sol was a survivor of Auschwitz and has such an amazing and inspiring story. Please listen to this beautiful interview of him:
And this article:
Hazzan Ben-Moshe’sWeekly Message:This week we read in Parshat Sh’lah L’kha of Moshe sending spies (or scouts) to the Promised Land. Moshe sends one man from each of the twelve tribes-each of them a prominent man, mentioned by name. The haftarah, from the Book of Joshua, also deals with spies-two, sent by Joshua to scout out Jericho before laying siege to that city. These two men are not named.
The first scouting expedition ends in failure-ten of the twelve spies report that the Land cannot be conquered, and discourage the People, leading to forty years of wandering in the wilderness. The two anonymous scouts sent by Joshua succeed-they report that Jericho is demoralized and ready to fall. They are not concerned with their own egos, and report directly to Joshua instead of speaking in front of all the People. Quiet professionalism is the way to success. May we always be blessed with competent public servants, like Joshua’s scouts, who do their jobs without thought of fame. As the Sage Avtalyon says in Pirkei Avoth, “Love labor, avoid public leadership, and do not seek to be known to the authorities.” Shabbat Shalom.Hazzan Yitzhak Ben-Moshe
Candle lighting in Austin at 8:17 PM.
Sisterhood Book Club via zoom MONDAY June 22 (NEW DATE) at 7 PM
Topic: Sisterhood Book Club discussion and schmooze
Time: Jun 22, 2020 07:00 PM
The next Tanach class is June 30!
Join Zoom Meeting
Save the Date. Let’s have a fun afternoon at Town Lake this summer, where each family rents a canoe or kayak and enjoys each other’s company together. The prefect Social Distance event.