Purim at Beth El!
Shabbat Shalom to you all! We had a very sweet Purim last night, but the show will go on a little longer. Our Sunday school children are encouraged to all come in costume this Sunday for Sunday School. We will have goodie bags and of course the amazing Israel American Council (IAC) Purim mask exhibit at Beth El. We will also have our rescheduled marketing meeting this Tuesday at 7:30 and we hope you can join us. Tonight’s Friday evening services will begin at 7 PM. Can’t wait to see you in person or on zoom. Friday Night Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82884019311 Cantor Ben-Moshe’s Weekly Message: This week’s parshah, Tetzaveh, begins with a description of the vestments of the Kohen Gadol, the High Priest, and of the ordinary Kohanim. The Kohen was instantly recognizable by his clothing-even today, some descendants of the Kohanim living in Jerusalem wear the prescribed clothing. Clothing can serve many purposes. As in the case of priestly vestments or a military uniform, clothing can identify us. Even something so small as a kippah or other headcovering can identify one as a Jew. On the other hand, clothing like a Purim costume, or even a mask worn to protect ourselves and others from disease, can obscure our identity. And to be sure, a uniform obscures the individual in order to emphasize the group. Clothing, in other words, can have great power over how others perceive us. Ultimately, though, it does not change who we are. Aharon, even when he was wearing the vestments of the Kohen Gadol, was the brother of Moshe and Miriam, the father of El’azar and Ithamar, and the grandfather of Pinhas. His family knew his true essence underneath the robes and the miter-as did God. And no matter what we wear, we are known to those who love us, including God. Shabbat Shalom.Shabbat candle lighting time 6:10 PM |
We resume BERS this Sunday February 28! Please have your children join us for Purim in their costumes so that they can experience more Purim fun at Hebrew school.![]() |
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Marketing meeting Tuesday March 2 at 7:30 PM. Please help us with ideas as we brainstorm ways to market our sweet shul!https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88275945445?pwd=bCsvQnY0SW1NNHhHdEdOelk1RG1LQT09Meeting ID: 882 7594 5445Passcode: shalom![]() |