Sunday School Graduation

Please come to Friday night services via zoom tonight, Friday May 15 at 7 PM.

Sunday School Siyum – End of Year Celebration this Sunday at 10:45. Parents, please use this link to join us with your children.

Also, please have the children wear white shirts for Shavuot and have them write on a regular white piece of paper the following prompt: This is what I loved about Hebrew School______. They may decorate it! We will show all their notes and have a special slide show and online party.

Hazzan Ben-Moshe’s Weekly Message:

This week we read the two parshot of B’har and B’hukkotai, closing out Sefer Vayyikra, the Book of Leviticus. As usual when two parshot are read, we read the haftarah for the second parshah, which is taken from the Book of Yirmiah, Jeremiah. The prophet speaks of two kinds of people-those who trust in mortals, and those who trust in HaShem.

“Thus says the Lord: cursed is the one who trusts in humans, who makes mere flesh their strength and turns their thoughts from the Lord. Such a one shall be like a bush in the desert, which does not sense the coming of good: it is set in the scorched places of the wilderness , in a barren land without inhabitants.

“Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord alone. Such a one shall be like a tree planted by waters, sending forth its roots by a stream: it does not sense the coming of heat, its leaves are ever fresh; it has no care in a year of drought, it does not cease to yield fruit.”

May we always remember to trust in HaShem-the One Who shows no favoritism, who only thinks of what is good for us and for the world. And may we always bear fruit-spiritual fruit, which is a benefit to those around us. Shabbat Shalom.

Candle lighting in Austin at 8 PM.

Book Club – Rashi’s Daughter Book 1 Yocheved. Sunday June 14 at 7 PM via Zoom!Tuesday May 19 at 7:30 PM please join Hazzan Ben-Moshe in another exciting installment of our Tanach class “And There was no King in Israel.