Sisterhood Book Club, Sunday school, & Purim Shpiel
Shabbat Shalom to you all! We hope that you all are doing OK. Please know that you can come to Beth El if you need somewhere to shelter. Likewise, if you need a meal, please let us know. We are making meals today for anyone who needs a warm meal. We are cancelling Sunday school (as are all local Sunday schools) this weekend in order for folks to focus on recovery efforts. Again, please reach out to check in or if you need anything at all. Thank you to Bob and Steve and Yosef for checking in on Beth El and making sure the building remained safe during this turbulent week. Thank you to all who reached out and checked on each other. What an amazing community! Tonight’s Friday evening services will begin at 7 PM. Can’t wait to see you in person or on zoom. Friday Night Zoom Link: PASSWORD: shalom Cantor Ben-Moshe’s Weekly Message: In addition to Parshath T’rumah, this week we read the special maftir of Zachor, which commands us to remember ‘Amalek’s attack on our ancestors on the way out of Egypt. This is of course linked to Purim next week, as Haman is called an “Agagi”, a descendant of Agag, the last Amalekite king. The haftarah this Shabbat is taken from the Book of Samuel, and describes King Shaul’s campaign against the Amalekites, in which he spares Agag. For this, Sh’muel the Prophet tells him that his kingdom will be stripped from him and given to another (David). Interestingly, Mordechai, the hero of Megillath Esther, is called a descendant of Kish, Shaul’s father. It would seem that it falls upon a descendant of Shaul’s family to defeat a descendant of Agag, and to right the wrong done centuries before. This is a concept common in Jewish thought-that, though we are not responsible for the bad choices of our ancestors, those bad choices may nonetheless affect us, and we may be called upon to set things right. We should always be willing to take responsibility to see that justice is done in the world. Shabbat Shalom, and may we all be safe and warm this Shabbat. Shabbat candle lighting time 6:05 PMNO Sunday school this weekend due to the winter storms. We resume February 28! Please have your children join us for Purim in their costumes. Zoom link below. Thursday February 25 at 7 PM. ![]() Save the Date! THIS Thursday February 25 at 7 PM Please note that we will be keeping the mitzvah of reading the megillah this year on Purim! Join us on zoom and limited in person (with all social distancing protocols) Thursday February 25 at 7 PM. Meeting ID: 859 2740 4268 Passcode: shalom ![]() ![]() Chai Mitzvah Program: The Ten Commandments! Rescheduled to Thursday March 15 at 7:30 PM Meeting ID: 860 8982 7034 Passcode: shalom ![]() Covid 19 Vaccination Link. Please use the link below to get on the Covid 19 vaccination line. We wish you all continued good health and a speedy end to the Pandemic. |