School Semester starting up September 7

We are gearing up for an exciting semester ahead, starting September 7th, 2014.  The following article was even in the Jewish Outlook this summer by our very own Morah Michelle:

It has been such a privilege to teach for Congregation Beth El this past year!  The students have enjoyed a cutting edge curriculum.  This year we focused on learning how to write the letters of the Aleph-Bet both in block print and cursive, while the younger class were being introduced to the letters through crafts and other creative means.

Using unconventional teaching methods that compliment the ways that kids learn, we explored various themes of Jewish tradition and culture.  We had a silent “hike” following a string through the various parts of the synagogue and playground to illustrate the various parts of the prayer service, reaching the peak of the playground at the Amidah and working our way back down.  The students also engaged in a “Torah Museum” where they viewed and analyzed pictures and text regarding the making of, reading of, and honoring of the Torah.  Upon selecting a few pictures and paragraphs that struck them in some way, we had a class discussion and dressed a “Torah”, portrayed by one of the students.  We ended the year with a life-sized board game, with the students acting as the pawns, in a trivial pursuit style competition to answer the most questions correctly in a review of the entire years learning.

The younger class had an on-going Mitzvah Tree to which they added different mitzvot projects and stories, they had a hands on experience in learning their letters.  A highly regarded and recognized professional teacher for Pflugerville ISD’s Special Needs program during the week, Morah Lisa Samuels (coincidentally my sister) brought an organized and enthusiastic classroom to life.

Next year, we will be expanding our knowledge base and focusing on Hebrew, Holidays, Bible, Gemilut Chasadim (the value of loving-kindness), Lifecycle, Mitzvot/Tzedakah (Jewish obligations), Prayer/Blessings, and Israel.  I’m looking forward to the new school year and can’t wait to see what the kids can do…but not too soon…let’s enjoy summer first.  

For more information about the Beth El Religious school and Bar and Bat mitzvah preparation with Cantor Ben-Moshe, please contact us at