Parashat Shoftim
Please note an important change of Shabbat morning services – we are having shabbat services THIS Saturday September 6! We hope to see you TONIGHT at 7PM for Kaballat Shabbat
THIS Saturday morning September 6, starting at 9 AM. We will have the Torah service at 9:45 AM and children’s/teen story and discussion at around 10:30. This week’s delicious kidish lunch is sponsored by Bam Rubenstein in loving memory of his beloved father Ralph of blessed memory. See the photo below of Ralph serving in the Korea conflict at Passover.
Cantor Ben-Moshe’s Parashat Hashavua:
This week’s parshah, Shof’tim, includes instructions for military commanders. They are commanded to instruct their soldiers before battle-if any man is betrothed but not yet married, if any man has built a house or planted a vineyard and not yet benefited from them, he is to go home. If any man is afraid, he is to go home. This, so that they will not be a distraction to their comrades and undermine the campaign. Rabbi Alan Lew, of blessed memory, explains that this is not merely an ancient military strategy, but a lesson for us today as well. There are many things in our lives which distract us, which keep us from doing what we need to do. During this month of Elul, when we are examining ourselves as we approach the High Holidays, we should ask ourselves what is distracting us, claiming our attention. We should then take care of these things so that we can concentrate on the important work of t’shuvah, of turning from wrong and doing what is right. Shabbat Shalom.
Hazzan Yitzhak Ben-MosheShabbat candle lighting at 7:30 p.m.
Photo of Bam’s dad Ralph Rubenstein z’l, in Korea, during the Korean Conflict, during Pesach, with a box of matzah at his feet.

Check out the High Holiday Schedule at Beth El!
The next sisterhood book! Get your copy and start reading this fascinating book.
“And There Was no King In Israel – A Journey Through the Book of Judges”
New and exciting class presented by Cantor Ben-Moshe starting October 29. Save your spot. Free, but register early.
Please consider sponsoring a kidush lunch. Send us a note at and we can plan to cook your favorite treats.
Sunday School This Sunday September 8.
Phone: 512-231-0266 | Email: