Annual Meeting and State of the Shul
Shabbat Shalom and we so look forward to seeing you all tonight at 7 PM via zoom (SEE NEW ZOOM LINK) and in person in our beloved shul (no more than 10 people).
Happy Birthday USA!
Hazzan Ben-Moshe’sWeekly Message:This week we read two parshot-Hukkath and Balak. The time of wandering in the wilderness is coming to an end, and the conquest of the Land is set to begin. Parshat Hukkath begins with the laws of the Red Heifer, the sacrifice that was to bring purification from contact with the dead. The Torah instructs us that anyone who comes in contact with a dead person is to undergo purification rituals for a week before rejoining the community (obviously, this no longer holds true in our time, as we have no Temple, and the rituals have fallen into abeyance). Interestingly, one group which was to undergo such rituals was warriors. Victorious soldiers returning from the field of battle could not triumphantly parade through the camp, but had to isolate themselves for a week. Whether intended or not, this would have had the effect of reducing the glorification of war and warriors. Jewish Tradition from its onset has held that war may sometimes be a necessary evil, but is not to be celebrated, and while we may be happy that a threat is removed, we do not delight in the death of our enemies. We believe that all human life, created in the Divine Image, is holy. Some of our enemies have stated that their disregard for life is their strength-but it is our reverence for life that is the strength of our People. Shabbat Shalom.Hazzan Yitzhak Ben-Moshe
Candle lighting in Austin at 8:18 PM.
Annual Meeting July 12Also, save the date. Our annual “state of the shul” meeting will be held on Sunday, July 12, at 7:00 p.m.
The meeting will be in person (up to 10) at the shul and via zoom.Annual Meeting Zoom Link:
We plan to discuss shul business and elect officers for the upcoming year. To nominate a current member as an officer, please send an email to Bob Miller, secretary and chair of the nominating committee at
Nominations should be submitted as soon as possible and no later than 7 days before the board meeting. The meeting is open to all – they are always a great deal of fun and very inspiring. We are blessed to be part of this small, yet vibrant and truly chesed filled congregation.
Our next Pirkei Avot class is July 14!
Zoom Meeting Link:
Save the Date. Let’s have a fun afternoon at Town Lake this summer, where each family rents a canoe or kayak, or brings their own one from home, and enjoys each other’s company together. The prefect Social Distance event. Please RSVP to
Beth El can now accept donations of stocks through a brokerage account. Please contact our treasurer at
Please consider at tax deductible donation for via our secure site. Being a small synagogue, every dollar goes to good work and continuing our heritage.