The Kids are Painting and Fundraising!

The much-anticipated children’s services fundraiser is here.  The children of the congregation got together this week with Morah Betsy to draw, paint and color artwork for a new set of greeting cards.  We are selling kid-designed holiday and Shabbat cards, with envelopes. Many of the designs are here, but more are coming.  We’re also happy to take custom orders for a small fee.  The cards we’ve printed are only $15 if you purchase 5!  And it goes to a good cause.

Beth El fundraiser announcement

Children’s Services Fundraiser Purchase Order


The kids have assembled a wish list for Shabbat/holiday children’s services:


  • child-size ark & Torah scroll
  • child-size tallitot
  • costumes for kids & puppets
  • materials for holiday crafts
  • Torah books & stories

For more info, contact Morah Betsy at, or

Shabbat Chukat and Museum Announcement

Congregants and Friends,

We look forward to seeing you tonight, 7/1 for Friday night services. Please note that our next Saturday morning services are in one week’s time, July 9th.

Last week we proudly hosted the Jewish War Veterans at Beth El. One of our congregants, Gregg Phillipson mentioned that there are two wonderful Jewish Military exhibits in Houston . Gregg will be speaking at the opening of the exhibits in Houston Holocaust Museum. Please see links below.

“Ours to Fight For: American Jews in the Second World War”

“We Fought, Too – Jewish Soldiers in America’s Wars”

Cantor’s Weekly Message:

This week’s parshah, Hukkat, is a very rich one in terms of both law and narrative. One point of interest is the passage which gives rise to the legend of Miriam’s well. According to the Torah, Miriam dies and is buried. Immediately afterwards in the text, the people complain that they have no water. This led the Rabbis to come up with the idea that while Miriam was alive, a well followed the people around during their wanderings, providing water for the People of Israel.

Some have the custom of placing a goblet of water on the Seder table to commemorate Miriam’s Well. Shabbat Shalom, Hodesh Tov and a Happy Fourth of July to all.

Cantor Yitzhak Ben-Moshe

Arts & Crafts Day #1 THIS WEDNESDAY!

Dear Parents,

I’d like to invite you and your children to join us at Beth El this coming Wednesday at 3:30- 5:30 PM for a special card-making event. Using markers, paint, crayons, pens, AND my scanner, laptop and printer, the kids are invited to design and then paint or color cards for Beth El congregants and friends.  There will be options for children as young as 2 to make apple-print images with paint.

The plan is to have the first round of Rosh Hashanah cards sent to congregants along with the schedule of services and high holiday announcements.  A sample is attached. We will also be scanning the children’s artwork and printing it on card stock for us in an upcoming fundraiser.  Details about that are coming soon, but we would love for you to purchase a set of cards and encourage your family members to do the same.

Does anyone own Jewish stencils or stamps that we can borrow for the day ?  If so, please contact me at, or simply leave a comment on this post.

This is an arts-and-crafts attire event (feel free to bring a smock if your child owns one!).

Looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday!


Shabbat Korach, Jewish War Veterans & a Children’s Service

Dear Congregants and Friends,

Please note that we have our regular Friday night services tonight 6/23 at 7 pm and tomorrow morning, 6/24 at 9 am. We are very excited to welcome the Jewish War Veterans of Texas, Oklahoma and elsewhere to celebrate Saturday morning services with us.

We will also have children’s services at 11 am with our very own Morah Betsy, presenting the rebellion of Korach using stuffed animals and a rebel-swallowing bed sheet.

We look forward to seeing you all.

The Cantor’s Message:

This Shabbat we read Parshat Korah, the chronicle of the first serious challenge to Moses’ (and Aaron’s) authority. The Torah records that the earth opened up and swallowed Korah alive. In Pirkei Avot, the Rabbi’s state that the pit which swallowed Korah was created on the Sixth Day, just before Shabbat. The Rabbis thus averred their belief that even miracles do not work outside the laws of nature.

Wishing everyone a restful and rejuvenating Shabbat, and welcome to the Jewish War Veterans.

Shavuot Dairy Potluck and Service

Please join us tonight (Tuesday) at 6pm for a Shavuot service. followed by a dairy potluck meal.

Read here for more on Shavuot, or ask our young scholar David. explains why we traditionally eat dairy meals on Shavuot.


Our next service is Friday evening at 7pm.