Birthright Israel talk to Sunday school

It was SO nice to have our Beth El Religious School kiddos back last Sunday.  Aviv talk

We hope all our BERS families enjoyed Thanksgiving!

The morning was filled with learning and fun.

Kitah Alef, Morah Anat’s class created an amazing hanukkiah. Each child wrote a prayer they wished for their family on a candle. They also spent the morning learning about the Parashat, singing songs and working on their Hebrew skills.

Morah Lital’s class worked on their Hebrew skills. She taught them some new Hanukkah songs and commented on how impressed she was with the songs they already knew.

Morah Bev’s class practiced the Friday night prayers and read about the history of the Hasmonean Period.

Vania and Marina worked on a new portion of the BERS Torah project. They created a picture of the story of Rivka and Eliezer at the well.

We also had Aviv, Morah Lital’s husband, come talk about Israel Birthright trips. He showed some great pictures of the fun things they did on the trips he led as a soldier in the Israeli Navy. Aviv also talked about working for the Minister of Minority affairs. During that time, he helped create some important laws that helped Israel’s religious minorities. He did a wonderful job explaining the Israeli system and even had a selfie of him in the prime minister’s office. Judith gave the children each a piece of pottery from an archeological dig that is 2000 years old and from the time of the Maccabees!

Another fabulous Sunday at BERS!!

See you next Sunday!


Shereen Ben-Moshe