Got kosher?

Got kosher? Come tomorrow morning and find out! We continue this truly inspiring class about the ins and outs of kashrut at 10:30 am. LADIES, don’t forget the sisterhood evening in white at 6:30 pm! And just had to post the super fun photos of the kiddos dancing Israeli folk songs with Carol Giller Rubin while the grown ups hauled 16 Tons of gravel to beautify the playground! Yesher koach – the children are already enjoying it immensely!


Shabbat shalom and Annual meeting

Friday Night Services, 5/08, at 7:00 pm
Saturday Morning Services, 5/09, at 9:00 am.
Children’s storytime Saturday Morning at 10:30.
Kidush sponsored by Hal and Elaine Jacobs
Following Shabbas Services and Kiddush Rabbi Gisser will hold his Advanced Text Class….
Rabbi Gisser’s Kashrut Class, Sunday, 5/10, at 10:30 am
Sisterhood Event, “An Evening in White, Sunday, 5/10, at 6:30 pm. Open to all women and teenage girls. Enjoy an evening of friendship and pampering at Beth El.

Annual meeting and kosher BBQ cookout Sunday, May 17 at 4:45 pm.
We will start off with our annual meeting followed by good food and conversation & a BBQ dinner.

As we lead up to this annual meeting, please consider getting more involved in Beth El. We have a number of committees and ways to get involved in Beth El. If you are interested or have any questions, please talk or send an email to Kevin.

Cantor Ben Moshe’s Message
This week in Parshat Emor we read about the special rules that applied to Cohanim, the ancient priestly caste. A Cohen, in addition to the mitzvot that apply to all Israelites, was also restricted as to who he could marry, whose funeral he could attend, and had other restrictions as well. Of course, the Cohanim no longer offer sacrifices in the Temple-their role today is a sort of vestigial memory of their former function. We can learn from this parshah, though, for all the People of Israel are called upon to be a “kingdom of priests and a holy people”. We have rules that apply only to us-not because we are better or worse than other nations, but because we have a particular function. We are to act as God’s witnesses, and are therefore to keep ourselves in a state of priestly holiness, by acting in a scrupulously ethical manner. This is the lesson which we can carry forward, all of us, from this parshah. Shabbat Shalom.