Sunday school, Yom Limud Austin, Sisterhood Crafting Class
PLEASE join us tonight at 7 as we welcome in shabbat and elevate our spirits.
We are also having Shabbat morning services this weekend, Saturday January 11. Jacob is coming in all the way from Houston to read from the Torah and we would love to have you all join us. We will be praying as a community for the Cantor to have a refua shlema and be back with us as soon as possible. While the Cantor is not with us, his thoughts are with his congregation as ours are with him.
On a joyful note, we will be celebrating the birthday of Freddy and thank him and Sabrina for sponsoring an amazing kidish lunch right after services. Toda and gracias and a huge welcome to the Beth El family!
Hazzan Yitzhak Ben-Moshe’s Weekly Parashah:
Shabbat Shalom.Our parshah, Vayyehi, concludes Sefer B’reshith, the Book of Genesis, with words of blessing-specifically the blessings of Ya’akov/Yisrael for his children (which are echoed in Moshe’s blessings for the People of Israel). Many of these blessings include comparisons of the sons to animals-Yoseph is a bull, and Asher is a snake, for example. Amusingly, the comparison of Benyamin to a wolf led to a legend in the Midrash that he was actually a werewolf. The most famous of these of course was the comparison of Yehudah to a lion. The Lion of Judah appears on the seal of the City of Jerusalem, and indeed on the mantles of our sifrei Torah. Our Sages used the lion as an exemplar of courage-“Be brave as a lion”,“Be a lion’s tail rather than a fox’s head”. May the strength and courage of our ancestor Yehudah, who gave his name to the Yehudim, the Jews, reside in us as well, and let us live up to the words which we will chant on Shabbat at the conclusion of the reading of Sefer B’reshith-“Hazzak, hazzak v’nit’hazek”-Be strong, Be strong and we will strengthen each other.
Shabbat candle lighting time in Austin 5:30 PMSisterhood Calendar of Events –
Join our WhattsApp group for more.
Please join us THIS Sunday January 12 at 6:30 PM pm as we learn how to make gorgeous Tree Of Life Necklaces with Rachel Union. Event is adults only and held at Beth El. Please bring a healthy yummy nosh to share, a donation of $6 to help cover costs and your friends. We’ll have wine and lots of cosy conversation and beading.See our BERS January 12!

We have a preschool class starting for children three to five led by Morah Hila! If you have a preschooler, have them join us this Sunday!The Beth El Men’s Club is having a super fun afternoon of Poker at Beth El on Sunday February 2 at 3:30 PM. We’d love to see all the guys there. Please bring $10 spending money! We got some high rollers!Please join Shalom Austin for an amazing day of learning and concert on Sunday January 19 – MLK weekend. Beth El is proudly a cosponsor of the event. Please sign up for a terrific day of learning. Children in Hebrew school are encouraged to attend too.