Shabbat Services Tonight and Tomorrow
Dear Congregants and Guests,
Please join us as we welcome Shabbat tonight at 7pm, and Saturday morning starting at 9 am, light kidush lunch to follow. We look forward to seeing everyone.
We welcome any visitors, including those who are in town for South by Southwest SxSW, the basketball tournaments, or even Austin-based guests.
Cantor’s message:

This week we begin the reading of Sefer Vayikra’, the Book of Leviticus. This book is also called “Torat Hakohanim”, the Torah of the Priests, as it mainly deals with the sacrificial rituals and the rules of purity that were especially incumbent upon the priests. It is interesting that the prevailing custom in Eastern Europe was for children to learn Sefer Vayikra’ at the beginning of their education in heder, at about age six. The reasoning was “let those who are pure learn about that which required purity” ie, the Temple service. We hope to see you this Friday night at 7 PM, and Saturday morning at 9. Shabbat Shalom.
Cantor Yitzhak Ben-Moshe