Shabbat Pinhas – Services tonight at 7pm

Dear Congregants and Friends,
We look forward to seeing you tonight, July 15 for Friday evening services, starting at 7 pm. Our next shabbat morning services are a week from now, July 23.
Cantor’s message:
This week’s parshah, Pinhas, is familiar to those who know the Musaph, the Additional Service on Shabbat and Holidays. Parshat Pinhas details the additional offerings in the Temple Service for Shabbat, the New Month and all of the major holidays. As such, it is also the source of maftir readings for Rosh Hodesh and the Holidays. While we no longer offer sacrifices in the Temple, may we always remember the spirit of thanksgiving to God which inspired those sacrifices. Wishing a Shabbat Shalom to all.Cantor Yitzhak Ben-Moshe