Shabbat B’Shallach

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Dear Congregants,
Please join us tonight at 7pm for Kaballat Shabbat services and tomorrow, starting at 9 am for Shabbat morning services.
This week is Shabbat Shirah, when we read Parshat Beshallah and the Song at the Sea. Customarily, much singing is done at services for this Shabbat.
In addition,we read about how God began his miraculous feeding of the People of Israel with manna. At this time, the J is conducting a food drive-a receptacle for donations is located in the lobby of Beth El. Please contribute, fulfilling the mitzvah of walking in God’s ways-as God feeds the hungry, so too should we feed the hungry. We hope to see you Friday night at 7 PM and Saturday morning at 9 AM.
Shabbat Shalom.
Cantor Yitzhak Ben-Moshe