Parashat Haazinu
Please note that there are no shabbat morning services this weekend, but save the dates for the following two exciting events:
Friday September 28th, at the special time of 6:30 p.m., we will celebrate Sukkot with services and dinner in the sukkah. PLEASE come this Sunday at 12 noon to help us build the Sukkah.
Monday October 1st, at 7 p.m., we will celebrate Simchat Torah. Lots of joyful singing and dancing with the Torah!
Also on Sunday morning at 10 a.m. our BERS continue Sunday Fundays!
Sincere and heartfelt thank you to Cantor Ben-Moshe for leading incredible Yom Kippur services; to Sandy Kress for a very inspiring and moving Dvar Torah, and to our wonderful service helpers! Thank you to Bam Rubenstein for again being our Baal Tekiah and blowing the shofar at the end of Yom Kippur and of course to Arthur and Kevin for being our tireless and enthusiastic Gabbais.
Shereen Ben-Moshe did an incredible job engaging and entertaining our lovely children with songs, stories, and a reader’s theatre. Many, many folks helped and apologies for not mentioning everyone by name, but we literally can not do it without you guys!
Our delicious Break the Fast was very generously sponsored by Dani Kadosh and Juliette Meinstein! Juliette also tirelessly cooked many of the delicious treats. Thank you so very much to you both!!!
Cantor Ben-Moshe’s Weekly Message:
This week’s parshah is the second to last of the Torah, Haazinu. In this parshah, Moshe teaches the People of Israel a song that they are to take with them as they cross into the Land of Israel, a song to remind them that they are not to stray from the Covenant with God. One of the phrases that Moshe uses is “And Yeshurun (a poetic name for Israel) became fat and kicked”-evoking an overfed animal that is difficult to control, and thus warning our ancestors not to let prosperity blind them to moral action. We have just finished the Fast of Yom Kippur, when we forgo food and drink in order to concentrate on spiritual growth. As we return to our daily lives, enjoying food again, let us not become so involved with the pleasures of the table that we forget the spiritual lessons that we recently learned. Shabbat Shalom. Hazzan Yitzhak Ben-Moshe
Shabbat candle lighting times are at 7:11 p.m.
Sunday School continues this Sunday morning, September 23, at 10 a.m. What a great first week. We welcomed several new families to our BERS family, our lovely educators, and also had an amazing Bee Keeper come talk to the children about bees and honey. Of course lots of apples were dipped in honey and our children even fulfilled a beautiful mitzvah of delivering honey cakes to several community members and retirees in senior living homes. I am so proud of our little mentsches!
Our children will have a special guest also this week , Jewish Educator and Storyteller Cathy Schechter of Shalom Austin, who wrote a children’s book about Tashlich!