Live From New York – Parasha Lech Lecha 10/11 and 10/12
As you may have heard, our congregants Dani Kadosh and Juliette Meinstein will be getting married in Florida on Sunday, October 13. The Cantor will be out of town that weekend officiating at the wedding so we have arranged for a friend of a friend to come in and lead services. We were fortunate to find Rabbi Joshua Frankel to help lead services.
Because we have a guest in town, we will have some activities both Friday night and Saturday morning. On Friday night, we will have our regular Kabbalat Shabbat services at 7:00 pm, followed by a community dinner. As dinner is finishing, Rabbi Frankel will lead a discussion of the weekly Parasha, Lech Lecha. Desserts and benching will follow this discussion.
On Saturday, October 12, we will have the baby naming of David and Katherine Lippa’s daughter. We will have a lovely kiddush lunch following the services which is sponsored by David and Katherine Lippa in honor of their daughter’s baby naming. We hope you can join us for this simcha.
We hope to see you at these events.