In the Sands of Sinai
Services tonight @ 7PM! We’ll light candles together just before services.
Cantor Ben-Moshe’s Weekly Message.
This week is Parshat Sh’mini as well as Shabbat Parah, one of the four special Shabbatot that lead up to Passover. The parshah and the maftir both deal with death-the death of Aharon’s elder sons, Nadav and Avihu in the parshah, and the ritual of the Red Heifer in the special reading. The purpose of the maftir reading is to prepare us for Pesah-in ancient times, we would have been required to be in a state of purity in order to partake of the Paschal sacrifice. To participate in the ritual without the proper preparation was a grave offense-perhaps as grave as the offense of Nadav and Avihu in offering an unauthorized incense offering. The Temple no longer stands, the sacrifices are no longer offered nor are the laws of purity in force. Nonetheless, we should prepare ourselves for Pesah-not only physically by cleaning our homes, but also spiritually by cleaning out that which is stale in our lives, coming to the Season of Our Liberation refreshed and light. Shabbat Shalom.

March 31 – 12:30 PM Whole Wheat Challah Baking Class – learn to make the softest, most delicious whole wheat challah and learn about the Jewish blessing of Eshet Chayil. With Iris Kohn-Wiener
April 7th – Men’s Club BBQ @ Beth El @ 3:30 PM
April 14 – Beth El Passover cleaning day at 12 noon. “All hands on deck” – “many hands make light work”…you get the message! PLEASE come out and lend a hand as we clean the shul for Passover.
April 20 – Beth El Annual Second Night Seder – RSVP ASAP to to reserve your spot.
Wednesday May 1- 7 PM at Beth El – Author Yitzhak Brooks – Israeli soldier and physician. See below.
Sunday school is this Sunday at 10, followed by a whole wheat challah making class and Eshet Chayil Study! Please join us.
Coomunity News! Come to IGNITE at the J! April 14.!