Beth El Hanukkah Party, Sunday School Fun and Shabbat services
Friday night Live tonight at 7PM.
Shabbat morning Services THIS Shabbes, December 14, at 9 AM. Services, children’s story time, song and prayer. We will have a lunch of bagels, lox and the Cantor’s yummy lentil soup! See you all at shul!
Sunday School with the BERS THIS SUNDAY December 15. Last one of 2019. Can’t wait to see our sweet children and talented educators.
Cantor Ben-Moshe’s Parashat Hashavua:
This week’s parshah begins with Ya’akov’s return to his homeland and his reunion with his estranged brother ‘Esav. The night before their meeting, Ya’akov wrestles with a mysterious person-perhaps an angel-and in the struggle receives the new name of Yisrael and also an injury which causes a severe limp. The injury has been interpreted as being to his sciatic nerve, which would cause severe pain. Nonetheless, Ya’akov/Yisrael is described shortly afterwards as arriving at the city of Sh’chem “shalem”, whole. Does this mean he was healed of his injury? Perhaps-but likely it means that he was spiritually whole. He had come face to face with ‘Esav and reconciled with him. He had struggled with and integrated the “dark” side of his personality-his deceptive and manipulative tendencies, his chronic dissatisfaction with his lot-and realized that they could work for good purposes. There is a prayer traditionally said upon rising, which asks God to “…bend my/our (evil) impulse to serve You.” Once we realize that all of our spirit is in The Divine Image, even the parts that we dislike, we can achieve wholeness like our ancestor Yisrael, who gave his name to our People. Shabbat Shalom.
Shabbat candle lighting time in Austin 5:14 PM

Sisterhood Calendar of Events – Join our WhattsApp group for more.
Sunday January 5 at 1 PM – Art class with Sharon Sananes. Therapeutic, relaxing and just plain fun!
Sunday January 12 at 7 pm. Tree Of Life Necklace Making with Rachel Union.
Thursday February 27 at 7 PM – Bubbles and Bubbly – the Art of bath bomb making with Mazzi Peled of Latika Soap.
Monday March 2 7PM Purim arts and crafts class with artist Susan Slomowitz.
Thursday April 2- Passover cooking class/recipe exchange with Juliette Meinstein.
Movie Night At Beth El.
The Tenth Man (El Rey Del Once) – Saturday January 4 at 6:30 PM