Rosh Hashanah Parking

We’re expecting large crowds, so please leave the driveways directly attached to Congregation Beth El for the disabled and those congregants who can not walk a block. If you do use the driveway, please pull in as far as you can so that others can park behind you.

On Rosh Hashanah evenings, the parking lot for the office building across the street is available for parking. Those lots are in use by the offices on Thursday and Friday, so daytime parking for Rosh Hashanah will be a block away on Jollyville, at Grace Covenant Church. Many thanks to the church for their generosity. Map.

1 reply
  1. Bob Miller says:

    If you park on Dominion Cove (the road to the right beside the Shul) please keep all vehicles on one side..preferably on the right FACING Mesa Dr. Parking on both sides prohibits emergency vehicle accessibility, and of course, the two-way traffic of the neighborhood.

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